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Reinventing eyebrows through correction or removal: What do you choose? Find out what Gabriela Rotundu recommends

Semi-permanent makeup is a beautification technique increasingly used by women. Facial features, such as the outline of the eyes and lips, are enhanced and the eyebrows can be accentuated. However, this procedure must be performed with the utmost care and proper knowledge by an experienced dermopigmentist in order to avoid some unpleasant situations such as an unsuccessful tattoo.

Isecrete Magazine spoke with Gabriela Rotundu, a Romanian living in Leeds, The UK. She is a specialist in micropigmentation who reveals the secrets of a successful tattoo, but also when we choose the laser removal procedure. Now it’s easier than ever to get rid of cosmetic tattoos, thanks to a state-of-the-art laser!

What do you choose?

The beauty field has evolved in an accelerated way, and our customers can only enjoy and benefit from this. But are these services being used to their full capacity? Many have understood that in order to create a new micropigmentation job, it is necessary to remove the existing pigment residues. However, there are still people who flatly refuse to go through this process and opt for correction, believing that this option will give them faster the much desired eyebrows.

Laser and chemical removal

The removal of existing work, whether total or partial, gives the specialist the freedom to create a new micropigmentation with the ability to work technically correct for a beautiful and up-to-date result. When taking into account the facial features and other elements of our face, without introducing too many layers of pigment into the skin, we can achieve a natural and harmonious final result.

Gabriela explains that the process of removing a tattoo is a long one that requires a lot of involvement. The dermopigmentist can change previous shape or colour errors. Importantly, the client must show patience and understanding, because 1-2 procedures are not always enough to solve the problem.

The duration of a laser procedure is a maximum of two minutes. The distance between sessions must be at least 6 weeks and the new micropigmentation procedure can be performed 6 weeks after the last removal session. Each procedure is unique and requires a different number of removal sessions. Therefore, we cannot say exactly how many sessions will be needed from the very beginning. This number depends on the tattoo’s location, size, age, depth, colour and amount of pigment.

This is an example of a procedure where only one session of laser removal of existing pigment was needed. Now the client can reinvent her eyebrows through the desired technique and the shape drawn above.

There are several situations in which you can opt for this modern procedure. Such as, no longer being satisfied with the shape or position of the tattoo. In addition to this, a client may choose this procedure if the tattoo has started to take on an undesired shade (blue, purple, green or red); when the pigment is too intense; and also, if the old tattoo is different from the natural eyebrow growth.

Instagram/ gabriela_rotundu_

After the procedure

Over time, any micropigmentation deteriorates. Our face also changes through the appearance of new wrinkles or drooping of the eyelids, and this aspect can change the shape and symmetry of the eyebrows.

In such a case, if the client had chosen eyebrow correction instead of removing the old work, the result would have been undesirable due to the simple fact that the old pigment is inserted very deep into the skin, and upon healing she would have had 2 rows of eyebrows, regardless of the number of meetings held. Due to the fact that today’s pigments and techniques are specifically created for micropigmentation, what she had would have completely rejected the applied pigment. Just like pouring water into a container of oil.

Correction of an existing work

In the case of a correction, the specialist must take into account the existing work, and incorporate this into the new shape. Some clients in this situation have a desire for ‘perfect’ long-dreamed about eyebrows and due to the nature of corrections, this may not be a realistic option.  A well-executed correction in some cases can lead to about the same number of removal sessions and can last anywhere from an hour to 3 hours, depending on what needs to be done from session to session. In around six months, the old pigment will reappear, 2 rows of eyebrows will be visibly formed and the client has to come back for another correction session sooner than a year.

By applying countless layers of pigment to the brow area, it can stop hair growth and thus create a barrier at the level of the epidermis. When correcting other works, there is no other option but to apply as many layers of pigment as needed. Between the first 2 correction sessions the distance is 4, 6 or 12 weeks at most and if other sessions are needed, they will start again in 3 months at least to give the epidermis the time it needs to heal.

When we have a more complex case, the number of sessions is often more. Here you have an example the steps within a correction carried out in one session. She will need 2 more sessions for her brows to look wearable (at the tail of the brow where the old work comes out of the frame, we removed it).

Gabriela started in this industry with an enormous desire to bring happiness to clients faces- and she succeeds wonderfully! With an experience of almost 5 years, she has managed to create a notorious name for herself due to her qualities and perseverance.

Corrections of old works are not easy. This part of micropigmentation must be studied in detail to have a wearable- if not perfect-eyebrow result. When we think of the beige colour in micropigmentation, we can imagine that we put salt in a glass of water. When we pour more salt than water, the salt no longer dissolves but petrifies upon drying, making complete removal of the work almost impossible.

The client chose the correction of the existing work. This involves carrying out the neutralization of the old pigment and applying the base colour. In one session, I needed to introduce several layers of pigment into the skin. As a result of this, there was an increase in the number of removal sessions needed in the future. I could not create a new form, technique and symmetry for it because I was restricted by the old form.

Here we have a correction that has been done by other specialists in the past, and then she turned to laser and substance removal. She did countless removal sessions in other places before coming to me. In previous corrections, specialists used beige in an exaggerated amount, more than likely this beige pigment was introduced even into the base pigment, and they worked very deep into the epidermis on the entire surface of the eyebrows.

This type of correction is the most difficult to remove and many specialists do not get involved with such cases because the laser does not read light colour and in most cases this beige cannot be removed. The number of sessions is immeasurable and most often the client gets discouraged causing them to no longer continues their appointments.  This happened with my client, and she is still looking for other specialists.

The problem of incorrectly executed eyebrows can be corrected with the help of a good specialist, and Gabriela will help you restore them to the necessary shape.

Yes, the beauty industry has evolved rapidly, but the key to extraordinary results is actually the client’s patience, trust and determination which the laser and substance removal specialist needs throughout the process regardless of its duration. Whether it is micropigmentation of the eyebrows or the removal of unwanted pigment, I prefer to work with their healing from one session to another, because in such a process the removal of ink is not the only goal to be achieved.

Also, the end result is the most important, specifically, that the surface of the skin where the removal was performed remains as little affected as possible. Under any micropigmentation worked very deep into the epidermis there are already scars, and laser and substance removal can worsen this aspect if not used gently and with a lot of patience.

Before laser and substance removal

After removal

For skin regeneration, I always recommend my clients to use microneedling sessions. Also, eyebrow regeneration is important whether they want another job or not.

Eyebrow styling by drawing and brushing

Catalina Diana – The story of tattooed eyebrows started in April 2019.

Like any woman who wants to be “on trend”, I decided to call a “professional” to do the “powder” procedure, but in the end, I ended up with 2 large and wide leeches on my forehead.

I decided to select the procedure to make some improvements to my face for aesthetic reasons, since my eyebrows were not what I wanted and to stop wasting dozens of minutes in front of the mirror to pencil them in. At first, I thought they were cute, I didn’t realize that it wasn’t actually what I wanted and that they were tattooed not at all what I asked for.

Days passed, and my eyebrows began to take on a different shape. After the complete healing of the eyebrows, I realized that everything I had dreamed of, had turned into a nightmare. I fought with it every day for 2 years, during which I searched and asked just about everyone if they knew of anyone who could help me get rid of this horror, I was losing hope until  I met Gabriela.

I heard about Gabriela for the first time in the summer of 2021 at the recommendation of my beautician Iulia who, after I told her about the nightmare I was going through, told me that she knew someone who could help me. Without thinking, I did a quick search on Facebook and contacted Gabriela. When I met Gabriela, I knew that she is the person I can rely on, be the one who will put a smile on my face and bring my eyebrows back to life- literally!

I remember the first time I walked into her office full of fear but also optimism. Why full of optimism? Because from the moment I contacted her to make an appointment for a consultation, she told me without hesitation that she was not promising me “the big one” nor did she “sell” me any illusions that we would escape these eyebrows after the first session, but with patience and a lot of work we will succeed.

This made me understand that she is a sincere woman, a person who wants to help those around her and that the work she does is not just a job but a passion. After long searches I found her, the one who changed my life. Until I got to her, I lived with the fear of “what do the people around me say when they see me on the street? or when I have to interact with the people around me, are they listening to what I’m talking or looking at what I have on my forehead/face?” For a long time, I avoided going out without makeup for this reason, but after my first session with Gabriela and after everything we discussed, I gained confidence and without thinking, I gained courage and put aside the fear of being judged because I knew I was in good hands.

After 2 sessions with 2 pairs of eyebrows (because I started to take care of my natural eyebrows after a discussion with Gabriela), I was more confident than ever that one day together with Gabriela we will succeed.

And yes, after long waits and many months (in which Gabriela was physically by my side and virtually through the phone) we completed the journey to bring my face back to life. A face which was once overshadowed by the professionalism of some people who claim to be professionals. With her support and professionalism I succeeded!

Today, now when I write these lines I do it with tears in my eyes, why? Because thanks to her, I smile and I am more confident than ever. Thanks to her work and the dedication she has towards her clients, today I smile.

I want to say something that I didn’t say to Gabriela either, being a pessimist, from the beginning to the end I was only thinking about the day when she would say, yes, it’s exactly as I imagined, I succeeded. Every time I went to see her, I waited for her to tell me that today was the last session and that she would no longer need it. To be honest, I looked super good after the first session, but her perfectionist eye wouldn’t finish until she was satisfied. The qualities that would best describe Gabriela’s person would be calmness, kindness, patience, optimism and importantly PROFESSIONALISM.

See here and other works by Gabriela Rotundu PMU expert

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